Evening with shellfishes 26.8. & 27.8.

Evening with shellfishes 26.8. & 27.8.

What sounds like a nautical landscape, a warm atmosphere and delicious sea food? If your taste buds awoke, then this evening is just for you.

The Sea Pavilion offers its customers shellfish menu for a very reasonable price. If shellfishes are new thing for you, then now is also a good time to test your future favourite! Check out the menu below and book your table. Please mention that you pre-order shellfish menu upon reservation.

We reveal drink recommendations closer to evening.

Shellfish menu 26.8. & 27.8.

Shellfish soup seasoned with saffron, potato croquet and dill mousse

Main course:
Shellfish platter which includes:
– King crabs
– Crab claws
– Oysters
– Shrimps, natural and smoked
– Blue mussels
– Vongole mussels
– Scallop Chevice
– Marinated octopus
– Ink aioli
– Seaweed remoulade
– Orange and carrot hot sauce

Lemon and meringue pie à la Meripaviljonki

45,00 € / one person
80,00 € / two person

Panoraamaravintola Helsinki | Herkut maalta ja mereltä